Umananda Dairy Milk is a Farm to Home fresh milk, launched for the first time in Guwahati. Since this milk is not processed, it contains good minerals and vitamins that are naturally found in the raw milk. The milk is delivered in the fastest time to your doorstep.
There are no intermediaries involved in the supply chain and hence Umananda Dairy Milk is not available in the retail market. This ensures that there is no scope for adulteration of any kind.

Other milk brands usually procure milk from dairy farmers or aggregators and do processing at the factory where some of the fat is removed, pasteurized and/or homogenized and then packed.
Unlike any other milk, Umananda Dairy milk is not sourced from farmers. We have our own farm which is completely managed by us. Therefore from fodder to milk to packaging, the entire process is controlled and monitored at the farm. The milk is packed and delivered to homes without undergoing any form of processing to maintain freshness, purity, quality and nutritional content.
Also our milk is not a standardized (artificial process of adding or extracting fat and SNF) milk. There are no additives or preservatives in this milk. So, Umananda Dairy Milk is as good as having your own cow at home. We chill the milk after packing during transportation by keeping the pouched dipped in chilled water to avoid any form of bacterial growth and also to maintain freshness and quality. We deliver the entire milk within less than 3 hours after milking.

Umananda Dairy milk is Farm fresh raw milk. We do not do any sort of processing on the milk. Branded packaged milk is standardized and homogenized to ensure consistency in the milk but these processes alter the natural state of the milk. Our milk thickness and taste would be impacted by weather, local seasonal fodder fed to the cows and lactation cycle of our cows.

Since this is raw milk, we recommend boiling it within two hours of receiving it, especially during the summers. We recommend that the customers boil the milk before the consumption as raw milk is difficult to digest. The milk should be boiled at least two times in a day and after boiling the milk can be refrigerated for 2-3 days, as in the case of conventional milk.

Our cows are fed with natural fodders, cattle feeds, and minerals. We don't use any growth hormones or other milk inducing agents to increase milk productivity. Our cows get a (Total Mixed Rations) planned meal every day. There is a right balance of minerals and vitamins and a menu for different ages of the cows and their physical needs.

A quality testing laboratory has been set up at the dairy with focus on promoting clean milk production.
We have setup very high quality and hygiene standards measures, which we follow very strictly. Since milk pouches are completely sealed, there is no chance for adulteration during transportation.

Milk from our dairy farm is directly delivered to your home without processing. Because our milk is fresh, natural, and pure, it has all the mineral and vitamins naturally found in the milk. Pasteurized milk on the other hand is heated rapidly at 140-150 degree fahrenheit and cooled down. In the process some of good minerals and vitamins are destroyed. Homogenized milk is prepared by breaking milk fat particles uniform sizes so that cream will not raise. Since fat particles are broken, homogenized milk looses it's original taste.

  • Firstly, the milk available in the market has certain percentage of Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) mixed, hence you get curd very thick and creamy because of the powder content in the milk
  • Umananda Dairy milk is 100% farm fresh, direct from the udder, so there is natural Solid Non Fat (SNF) which is relatively low in comparison to conventional milk brands
  • Always boil the milk before making the curd. This ensures that the milk does not spoil during fermentation process. The milk should not be very hot (Approx 40-45 degrees) at the time of dissolving the culture as if it’s very hot, the milk gets coagulated and you might end up getting a grainy curd. Similarly if the milk is below the required temperature, the curd does not become thick and is a bit runny with some whey in the curd. Lastly if the milk is cold then the curd won’t be set at all.
  • In summers the curd will be set faster than in winters and the period from July till September is the worst for curd due to the rainy and moist climate.

  • Yellow colour in milk is mainly due to presence of carotene. Some breeds have high amounts of it while others have low amount of carotenoid generation hence the yellow tinge in the milk can vary by breed, the food and other factors.
  • Presence of less yellow tinge is nothing to worry about. It is due to the fresh seasonal diet fed to the cows. The richest source of carotene is green fodder which is not available to us between July and November temporarily due to the excessive flooding in the state.
  • After boiling and refrigerating the milk, you can witness that the malai/cream layer on the top is slightly yellow (you can say tinge of yellow).

Our farm has cows that are cross between the high yielding Indian breed cows (desi cows)of Sahiwal and Red Sindhi along with Jersey (brown or full black) and HF (black and white) breed. All our cows have been inseminated with Gir and Sahiwal cos only in the past year and in future we will move to a 100 % desi breeds as these cows are known for better disease tolerance and produce quality milk compared to pure Jersey or HF cows.


We pack milk in food grade pouches.

We deliver milk everyday morning or evening. It varies between apartments. If it's morning we deliver between 6:30am and 7:45am and during evenings thed delivery is done between 6:00 pm and 7:15pm On some days this timing may get slightly delayed due to unavoidable reasons such as traffic jams, etc.

Yes, it's a monthly subscription service. You pay end of every month. We provide you monthly billing statement on the last day of every month. You are expected to make the bill payments latest by the 5thof every month to help us serve you better.

In order to help us maintain our cash flows, we collect an advance amount equivalent to one month's bill amount as security deposit from all our customers, which is a refundable amount that will be adjusted whenever the customer wishes to discontinue our services.

Whenever you don't want milk please SMS or call @ 7576023575 (cutomer service) previous day night before 9pm (for morning delivery) or before 3pm for evening delivery. Please mention the dates you don't want milk to be delivered along with your aprtment name and flat number. We will not deliver milk for those days.

Yes, you can do it latest by 9.00 pm a day before you want the quantities to be modified. Just call/ whatsapp at the Umananda Dairy customer care number (7576023575), minimum one day in advance if you want more/ less quantity of milk, or want to suspend the deliveries while travelling.

Yes. However, it is subject/dependent on the available surplus production on that given day.


To try out our farm fresh pure cow milk, please get in touch with us. Happy to help you.
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